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Capital One

The New Year is a classic time to set goals, but research shows most people have given up on these goals by February (change amirite ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ). For Capital One’s New Year’s creative, we wanted to encourage customers to approach their big financial goals in a way that’s more sustainable: breaking them down into bite-size actions, and then celebrating the heck out of every little action they complete. After all, goals aren’t usually achieved in one fell swoop, they’re achieved by taking a series of small steps. And each one is a tiny triumph.



Tiny Triumphs

The New Year is a classic time to set goals, but research shows most people have given up on these goals by February (change amirite ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ). For Capital One’s New Year’s creative, we wanted to encourage customers to approach their big financial goals in a way that’s more sustainable: breaking them down into bite-size actions, and then celebrating the heck out of every little action they complete. After all, goals aren’t usually achieved in one fell swoop, they’re achieved by taking a series of small steps. And each one is a tiny triumph.



We also made some adorable throwback 3D viewfinders for stores!
